Friday, 15 March 2024

Small Spend at a Small Boot-Sale

 It was actually fine on Wednesday so I decided to pop out to the mid-week car-boot sale. There were very few people selling.

I spent all of 50p on a whisk, to replace the whisk that I got last year, which replaced the whisk that I'd had forever but had gone rusty!

This years whisk

which replaced last years whisk which looks fine but it's too long and when left in a bowl it's top-handle -heavy and falls out flicking Yorkshire pudding batter everywhere......messy .......I've been caught out numerous times in the last year

I've put it in the charity shop bag -  maybe I should have put it in the bin - but I'll leave that for the next owner!

Who knew a blog post could be made about a 50p whisk!

Back Tomorrow


  1. Anything's bloggable and the long-handled whisk might be exactly what someone else is looking for:-)

  2. Very blogable Sue - (warning - feeble joke coming): A timely warning Sue - I suspect we have all BIN there with something bought!!

  3. I’ve got a whisk that does that😂😂😂 Maybe I should follow you and hand it on for someone else.

  4. I wonder if anyone tests their whisk designs before they get them manufactured and sent out to market.

  5. Funnily enough I was using my hand whisk on Wednesday to mix up cream cheese, cream and condensed milk with lemon juice for a cheesecake filling. It’s just not the same when it’s done with the electric one. Catriona

  6. It looks like the new old whisk will be a much better option than the old, old whisk.

    I had an old whisk like that I ended up using it in the polytunnel to mix up the tomato feed in the watering can, so it at least found a new use without someone else's wall wearing cake batter like mine did!!

  7. As chief washer upper in this house, whisks are one of the implements that drive me mad.

  8. The humble whisk is definitely worth blogging about and 50p a good buy.
    Alison in Wales x

  9. Good deals are always worth blogging about, Sue! I got a cute t shirt for $2 at the resale shop last week - it was marked 50% off.

  10. Buying a yearly whisk seems the new norm. My electric tea kettle broke a few days ago after about 10 years of use. I ordered a new one. The new has a plastic base and handle and lacks quality. The old one was nearly all stainless steel.

  11. Ah, the whisk flick! Like you, I have been caught out on many an occasion, then I spotted a very short whisk, tiny handle. It looks ridiculous, but I enjoy using it - and it never does a naughty flick!

  12. I have two of the fall out of the batter or whatever whisks, I need one of the whisks you got at the boot sale. However I have never seen any like this in Canada.

    God bless.

  13. Lol. Glad you found a cheap one at the sale!

  14. Why DO they make kitchen utensils with handles heavier than the business end now? I'm always losing them out of their place of work, be it frying pan or mixing bowl! Like most things I bet the designer has never even used one. Potato peelers are all look and no work too! I bought up a dozen or so of the vintage type with blue steel blade a good few years ago and stored them and like you, I search for the old style implements second hand.
