Monday 15 October 2018

A Wasted Weekend

Some parts of the country have had awful weather over the weekend, so many flooded houses which must be soul destroying. Over here in Suffolk Saturday was mostly good and  I planned to visit the last day of an art exhibition  and some charity shops in a different town.

Then Saturday morning I sat at the table to put a few bits of jigsaw in before heading off to Diss and my blinkin' back went Ping....... B****r. Just like  July and even more painful.

So a weekend of struggling around  to feed the cat and  make drinks and food, resting with ice packs and hot water bottles (not both at once obviously!) and taking tablets. Nothing done except reading and watching TV.

When this happened in July I got very down and depressed, but not this time- thank goodness. But I really must do the exercises every day.

I have a few posts saved in drafts so back (Ha!) tomorrow.


  1. I sympathise, Sue, it's so debilitating when your back goes. Hope it gets better very soon.

  2. Oh, no. A painful back restricts everything you do. Take it easy and I hope it feels more comfortable very quickly.

  3. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and hoping your back heals quickly! I have had my back go out before and know how frustrating it can be! Do you have muscle relaxant pills from the doctor? I have been told if you take those at the first sign of trouble it will help you to heal sooner.

  4. backs are so difficult when they go wrong. Hope yours pings back as quickly as it pinged out. x

  5. Hope that you recover soon Sue.Its awful when these things happen.xx

  6. Back pain=no fun. Praying it gets better soon. I had a couple days where I didn't feel good but now my level of energy has come back and better once I get a good night sleep. Off I go! Have a better week!

  7. Hope it will get better soon, back pain must be miserable.

  8. From a fellow suffer though not at the moment, get well soon.

  9. Back are horrid things and so debilitating. I have had my share of problems but I now know that the minute my back complains I stop whatever I am doing immediately. I wish you a speedy recovery and remember there are no prizes for heroes so take care of yourself and dont push your luck.

  10. Yes it is important to keep up with the exercises and take ibuprofen at the first sign of trouble with any luck this will stop the muscles going in to spasm. Hope you are soon on the mend.

  11. Hope you are feeling better and can get comfortable. Having never had problems with my back, these days it can go at any time, always I have to be aware of how I twist, bend or lift.

  12. Oh gosh - that's the last thing you wanted! Hoping that the exercises and painkillers help you soon get back to normal. Who'd have known that doing a Jigsaw could be so injurous to health?!!

  13. Ouch- from a fellow sufferer. Exercises help but it’s so annoying that it happens for no apparent reason. You know the drill now, and it just takes it own good time to heal.

  14. So sorry about your back. Can be hideously painful and so frustrating!

  15. I was so sorry to hear your back is bad. My daughter and I have to watch how we move some days especially in bed. Hope you are better soon.

    Hazel c uk

  16. Poor you! Hope you recover quickly.

  17. oh no! sorry to hear about your back - i remember once telling someone (only half joking) that there should be special support groups for those with back problems - so depressing. glad you're keeping your spirits up.

  18. Oh Sue you poor thing. I can sympathise with you as I have had some dreadful back problems in the past and know just how much it can get you down.
    Get well soon.

  19. You have my sympathy - I have had similar occurrences with my back. I should exercise it more to strengthen the muscles but when it is OK I forget until disaster strikes. On the positive you got to do a lot of reading ...unexpectedly!
    Have a good week and take care.

  20. Ughh, back pain just messes with everything! Give it time. Try not to let it get you down. "This too shall pass." -Jenn

  21. It's surprising how many people have problems with their backs. I hope you get relief from it soon. Take care.

  22. I have the same issue with my lower back - random spasms that wreck me. I've finally found something that really helps without sedating me - metaxalone. Worth looking into! If I feel it twinging, I start taking them right away and have been able to ward off the full 'out' for the last 5 years. It's been a miracle. Not an opiate or addictive.

  23. Oh no Sue, I do hope it eases off sooner than later. We had a very warm though windy day on Saturday, but rain all day Sunday in Yorkshire xx

  24. Oh dear, poor you. Hope your back is better soon.

  25. Uh-oh... hope you feel better soon. My husband's back goes out on occasion so I know its just not fun. Don't overdue.

  26. Bad back...ouch...bother and damnation...a proper pain and a proper nuisance. x

  27. Hope it heals quickly and you feel better soon. Thankfully we didn't get any damage but my heart goes out to all those affected by these awful storms.

  28. Feed feeling worse than a bad back. Hope you mend soon!

  29. That 'zap' out of nowhere is so retched. I feel your pain. Headed to the therapist myself tomorrow for the same reason. Hoping you get some relief soon.

  30. I hope the worst of it is over now and that you are a bit more mobile. Horrible for you to be hobbled in that way, but I bet it was lovely to have a chance to catch up on some reading, etc, with a clear conscience! I wonder whether your table is at slightly the 'wrong' height for doing jigsaws - my back went into spasms earlier this year when I did a lot of sewing at the kitchen table - may not be, but worth thinking about if you plan to do more jigsaws.

    1. Elaine, I think your point about the height of the table is a very good one. After I've been sat at our dining table working on the computer the tops of my arms start to ache and I tend to slouch bringing on back-ache, so I think that's worth bearing in mind, Sue.

  31. Ouch, I hope you feel better soon.

  32. Mine went out Thursday... went to the urgent care and was told off your feet, ice/heat, take the meds and don't drive. Owwwwwww. Still hurting today.

  33. Ouch! sorry to hear your back has put you of of commission for awhile.

  34. I know what you are going through as my back also went Ping this morning as well!!

  35. So sorry this happened again. I do hope that the pain goes away quickly.

    God bless.

  36. I've suffered with spasms for years. Now keep small supply of diazepam (valium), when back spasms start taking those + Ibuprofen. Professional dancer friends recommended this as only valium will relax muscles, nothing else will break spasm. Also, check out Lorimer Moseley on Youtube. Australian doctor specialises in pain relief. Interesting theories about how & why muscle spasms occur.I attended a 4 week back rehabilitation clinic (two afternoons a week) last year and it's been life changing. There's a book by the physio and doctor who run the course, 'Back to Life,' Rogers & Brown, worth getting. Knowledge is power.

  37. Hope you make a speedy recovery Suex
