Friday, 18 January 2019

It might be a Christmas Present..................

..........or I could keep it.

 This was on the shelf in the charity shop when I went in to do my stint last week.  I picked it up, dusted underneath and then decided not to put it back on the shelf and it came home with me. With volunteers 20% discount it was 80p so didn't break the bank.
I was thinking that with some cheese or biscuits it could make a present but maybe I'll keep it. I was very good and moved two rarely used items from the dining room cupboard into the car-boot box under the in and two out is supposed to be my plan this year.

Back Tomorrow


  1. Nice piece of favourite cheese for the recipient would make a lovely gift even for a birthday

    Julie xxxxx

  2. It's lovely. I'd be sorely tempted to keep it, I think.

  3. That is a nice plate, it would make a lovely gift in a mini hamper with some homemade pickles and a few bits of cheese. But as Joy says I would be tempted to keep as well, difficult one.

  4. There would be no question in my mind, I would definitely keep it. That is the kind of thing I look out for if and when I go to charity shops/car boot sales. If you decide to get rid of it point it in the direction of Devon please.

  5. Hard choice - but a good swap for the items you have removed to the Boot box.

  6. No question-keep it! Use and enjoy it with bread, cheese and some chutney or fruit. Lovely find!

  7. A lovely present to yourself. When I worked at a charity shop I brought lots of things I would never would have seen. When I first started at the charity shop (nearly 30 years ago) our charity only had the shop for 1 week in a month, another charity would have it for a week and we had to keep everything for the next month, it was great fun but now it's big business, manageress employed now. In them days we just helped each other and took it in turns to serve we put the money into somebody's house and it was banked at the end of the week. I was hard work to put everything into the shop for just a week but it was lots of fun. In all I worked there for 30 years almost and now we have a hospice to be proud of.

    Hazel c uk

    1. Goodness, that must have been such hard work. We still need lots more helpers as at the moment the paid manager is having to work on her own quite a lot and close up for lunchtime and only open 5 days instead of 6

  8. Then it is yours for as long as you choose to love it x

  9. Oh I love the plate, I'd keep it for myself and enjoy having my cheese and crackers off the beatutiful plate. xx

  10. Nice plate, which I'm sure I'd have kept. What if you're eating French cheese, though? :-)

  11. Nice plate, that would make a great pressie with some cheese and crackers and a bargain to boot xcx

  12. One in, two out sounds like a good plan to keep a space uncluttered. Lovely plate.

  13. Lovely plate. If you really like it and will use it, keep it, otherwise it will make a lovely present.

  14. What a great policy -one in, two out. I try to do something similar if I buy new clothes.

  15. I think I would keep it and put it on display, its lovely.

    1. My dresser shelves are full of jugs - maybe I should have a swap around

  16. Its a keeper, I like it. Getting rid of 2 for 1 is a GREAT idea that I am going to try.
    Thanks Sue :)

  17. I love the plate, I would definitely keep it!

  18. Such a great present along with cheese/crackers/chutney. I shall be keeping my eyes open for some plates of a similar nature to use as gifts, such a great idea.

  19. Gorgeous, def use it as a gift with a nice couple of cheeses and some crackers and a nice jar of homemade chutney. It would be well received by anyone ! And a Christmas gift sorted this early in the year ! Well done , you !


    1. Best time to start Christmas shopping is January!

  20. One in, two out. Been there but couldn't do that. Hey ho!

  21. That’s a lovely plate ! x

  22. Lovely find!
    I reckon you are worth that 80p, so enjoy it.

  23. That is beautiful. What a great find.

  24. Gorgeous platter. I think I would keep it.

    God bless.

  25. I like that plate as well! Good choice and yes, if ya ever get tired of it, fill it up with goodies and give to someone else! Have a blessed weekend!
