Tuesday, 4 January 2022

New Books On My Shelves

 Having decided on all the things I wasn't going to spend on over Christmas (advent calendar, 12 days of Christmas gifts, expensive diary etc) that left me some money to buy books (that's my story and I'm sticking to it!) and I mentioned one that had dropped a few pounds secondhand on amazon before Christmas which I'd ordered. Miki reminded me to mention it.

It was this, by the writer of Down To Earth blog. Her books were initially only published in Australia

and it's taken a while for them to be available here. I'm not sure it's worth the money, which is often a problem for me once I get a book that I'd been looking forward to owning! Thank goodness most of my books are borrowed from the library.

Apart from The Simple Home, some other books have been added to my shelves in the last three months, several were Christmas gifts.

The illustrations in this one below are beautiful

Not sure what this is, or why I thought it would be a good buy.
Just in case I run out of crime fiction to read
Hope Bourne's book about Exmoor which I didn't know existed until recently
Another crime
This one looks fascinating
A recent addition to Persephone Books
And finally, a couple I picked up from a charity shop sometime in December

Plus, of course, the mystery book by Alison Uttley, that arrived before Christmas.

Thank you to friends and family (and good old amazon) for all these additions to my library.

Back Tomorrow



  1. Happy New Year Sue. That is an impressive pile of books! I used to be an avid reader - I need to read some of my stash. Once Ive finished my bloggy rounds I may pick one out to start tonight!

  2. The illustrations on the cover of that bird book are beautiful, I love them. Do you know the name of the artist, Sue?

    1. Lovely lot of books Sue will take you are time to read and enjoy.
      The bird book is by Carry Akroyd and John McEwen that SOOZE was talking about.
      I should imagine "No Milk Today" will be interesting. You certaining get some nice books.
      Enjoy your reading.
      Hazel ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ

    2. Carrie Akroyd is the illustrator

  3. What a superb collection of books - they all look so very attractive.
    Have fun!

  4. Happy reading, I am quite enjoying my Audible reads, completely gone off TV.

    1. I'm often half watching TV and reading at the same time

  5. I've dithered about treating myself to "The Simple Home"... So now it's moved down the list! Off to collect a book from the library today which I ordered before Christmas. A good book on a dark evening is a delight. You look to be amply supplied...

    1. I'm very lucky - plenty to read for the dark days

  6. Rhonda's books are ideal for those new to the idea of a 'simple (frugal) way of life'...for us she's talking to the converted. Her earliest blog years were great then for various reasons she cut back and now it's just one entry a week of links
    The Simple Home didn't turn out to be what I expected either...sort of a minimalists coffee table book. I'm glad I picked it off the shelf at the library and not in a bookshop.

    1. Oops the second book I mentioned should have been Simple Matters (not The Simple Home)

    2. I wish the library had had these books so I would have borrowed rather than bought - cross with myself a little

    3. Rhonda is now on Instagram, plus the one blog entry a week.

  7. Lots of entertainment there. My reading has fallen completely by the wayside for the past few weeks, ploughing through a 600+ page first draft of a really detailed historical tome I said I'd look at for a friend.

    1. Is it fiction or non fiction. Hope it's readable

  8. An interesting range of books. I have bought a secondhand copy of Simple Matters...I must get to reading it!

    1. I'm cross about buying my copy - think I'll be selling it on

  9. I came across Rhonda's blog by accident many years ago and loved it so much I bought Down to Earth when it first came out. It was expensive, but as I wasn't spending any money at that time I didn't feel guilty at the expense. I don't know what I was expecting but the book is her blog in paper form which is easier to access than trawling through her blog on the computer. (It was Rhonda's blog that led me on to others which is where I am now, so I have Rhonda to thank for that.) As Cathy says the books are good for those starting out on this simple frugal lifestyle.

    As always you have an interesting selection of books to read, enjoy.

  10. I read most of my books through a kindle app on my phone these days. It cuts down the need for shelves, but doesn't stop the spending! I've just bought an Agatha Christie. You look like you have great taste in books.

    1. I tried reading on a screen but found it didn't work well for me

  11. If you send me your address, I'll get the Hope Bourne Wild Harvest in the post to you. Or I'll send you my address and you can come and visit!!

    Those books look great. I had wondered about Rhonda's book but wasn't too tempted. Of course, anything countryside or natural history orientated interests me. I have to keep my hands in my pockets when we go into Booths in Hay, as they have a long row of such books down the centre of the shop. . .

    1. I think I've made a mistake with Rhondas book!

  12. I've been reading through the Magic Men series by Elly Griffiths. I get them from my library and am enjoying them.
    Hope you enjoy your new books!

  13. I've never read any Hope Bourne books but like the look of the cover! Do let us know what you think of her ;)

  14. Ooh lots of lovely books!!

    You most likely spotted Simple Matters on my blog at some point and the cover enticed you in, it got me that way :-)

    I got both of Rhonda's books as soon as they came out ... there now you know, my name is Sue and I am a bookaholic that will trawl the globe for a good book. Did you ever doubt it.

    Linking to you tomorrow, with a photo that I promised you a while ago!!

  15. I’ve just discovered Kate Atkinson. I think I’m really going to like this author. The book I got on my kindle is One Good Turn. January in Minnesota is pretty brutal so good books are a must!

  16. In my imagination I can see you curled up in a warm cozy house, with a storm raging outside, reading one of your lovely new books - oh, and a box of chocolates on the side would be great too :)

  17. What a wonderful bunch of books, Sue! I see more than a few I'd put on my list too! Enjoy!

  18. Thanks for sharing your books with us, Sue. It gives me a look at books I might not have ever heard of.

  19. I have a 1963 copy of Living on Exmoor by Hope L Bourne.A facinating look at day to day life. It has her pencilled illustrations too. I think she had a busy life but in a very remote area, which comes through in her writing. ( you might also like John Lewis Stemple's books about the countryside too. I have quite a few of his)

  20. That is a lovely collection of books to add to your shelves.

    God bless.

  21. Your friends and family make perfect book purchases for you. It looks like you are well stocked for a while.

  22. Oh what interesting books! I'd be really interested to know how The Enchanted Life is. I've come across that one while browsing but haven't given in and bought it yet. I must admit that I bought some right after Christmas as they had a good sale at the local bookshop and when daughter was here we went to the library bookshop (they have really cheap books there).

  23. A couple there I'll look for on recorded books.

  24. I have agree with you about The Simple Home. I bought it online with look8ng at it first because I'd been reading her blog for years (despite the occasional injection of smugness that really annoyed me)and I had her other book. A bit disappointing altbough it's always nice to read something that acually relates to Australia!

  25. I meant WITHOUT looking at it first. Had I looked at it first I doubt I would have bought it (I also have to start lloing at Preview before I publish a comment.So many errors!)
