Friday 22 July 2022

And Two More

The grandchildren's toy shelves in the small bedroom are well stocked so I'm not spending more on them at the moment. Definitely no more plants for the garden either and haven't spotted anything for presents for weeks. Really there's not much that I need from car boot sales  and finds have been few and far between, the cards I mentioned earlier in the week were all I found one morning. Never the less I still like my early morning walk round once or twice a week, avoiding all the junk but sorting through any boxes of books and one Saturday these two came home with me - 50p each again (if they'd cost more I'd have left them in the box!)

Back Tomorrow


  1. You have a real bargain with the Moss book. It had lovely reviews when it came out. Moss is a great mate of Bill Oddie. There's some unusual ideas, but I think you will enjoy it.

    1. I think I'll save it to read over Christmas-seems more apt than in our baking hot temps now

  2. I wish there were more boot sales near us, it's a bit of a drive to get to any regular ones that I know about.

    1. I'm lucky to have 2 within a 15 minute drive

  3. I do miss car boot sales, but I don't miss the temptation to buy things I like just because they are cheap (books would have been the exception though). I bet I have saved a lot of money by not going to any this year.

    1. The early morning walk is good and luckily I can avoid the junk and things I don't need

  4. You don't seem to have found any Ronald Blythe lately. Tell me - is he still alive? I think I have all his books as he is so very knowledgeable about anything to do with nature but the last time I heard of him he was over ninety. I shall look him up when I have finished answering today's comments.

    1. Ronald Blythe are usually library books, I'm gradually reading through them all. I believe he is still alive.

    2. He is - aged 99- his 100th birthday will be in November

  5. You have such a great eye for finding really interesting books. Enjoy! Catriona

    1. Sorting through books in boxes on the ground is a bit back aching so I hope I don't miss any!

  6. Now those look like books I would enjoy, especially the Childhood in Edwardian Sussex.

  7. I think we've only been to one boot sale this year - saves us loads of money!

    1. I only buy things that will save me money in the future (or books!)

  8. Your two new books look excellent. Your ability to find great books at boot sales is worth the time.

  9. The Twelve Birds of Christmas looks really interesting. I agree with Catriona - You have an eye for finding interesting books (and other boot sale items, too!)

  10. I really like the look of the bird book.
    I've not been to a car boot for years , probably should go and try to sell some stuff ourselves.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I've done a couple on my own since my husband died but it's really hard work alone so now I donate anything to the charity shop straight away

  11. Those books look very interesting. Enjoy.

    God bless.

  12. I would love to read the Twelve Birds of Christmas.

  13. nice books you bought. I found a few things at a Upscale junk store in June that I will give a friend for Christmas. I bought a new book online for devotions that sound good and was able to get some money off it which is good. It will come out in early August so am looking forward to it. Have a good weekend!

  14. Can I borrow A Childhood in Edwardian Sussex when you are done? 😄
