Tuesday, 3 May 2022

The Jumble Sale at All Saints Church, Stoke Ash

 This is the second  jumble sale I've been to in this church. The first one was when we had just come out of lockdown in August 2020.....with socially distanced queueing, all masked and sanitized........seems like a different world now things are back to normal - despite the doom mongers who said life would never be normal again.......mine is. Well, as normal as it's likely to get now.

This church isn't one I'll go back to visit for a special post, it's a very typical church for a small Suffolk village close beside the A140, Ipswich to Norwich road. No stained glass and no outstanding things of interest except perhaps the stairs you can see in the 3rd photo by the hymn number board. They would have once led up to the rood loft - long gone..................

A gallery, or platform, atop a rood screen, used for the rood (crucifix) and sometimes for musicians or singers. Most rood lofts and indeed most roods, were destroyed during the Reformation

Glorious blossom on the trees in the churchyard.

I didn't find anything exciting amongst the jumble and just spent Ā£2 on a bag of bird feed fat-balls.

Then back across the A140 to another village church....and another post.

Back Tomorrow


  1. Yes, my life is back to normal too. The church looks nice.

    1. Thank goodness for normal! I hope to go to Diss one day next week but not Monday if you are free!

    2. Good idea. I will email you.

  2. Strange to see the sale in the sanctuary.

    1. Good use of a church for raising money for their funds

  3. Great idea for the church, I think they should be used for such things and more. Is there stuff outside too? (middle photo)

    1. They just had tables outside for people to sit at to have a coffee and cake. There wasn't much for sale really - lots of clothes that I didn't look at

  4. Normal is finally with us too. Only some small shops post a sign at the door requiring a mask and most ignore it and nobody enforces it. Thank goodness!

    1. The only place that isn't back to normal is the doctors surgery, they still think everyone is contagious!

  5. That last picture instantly made me think of the story from the Bible about the money changers and how Jesus threw them out of the temple, telling them no selling or money changing should be going on in the house of God. Yikes! *haha* ~Andrea xoxo

    1. Now it's one of the only ways to raise funds for Church repairs!

  6. That church looks great. I'm deeply envious - I haven't been to a jumble sale in years!

  7. The blossom in the churchyard is so lovely.

    1. Hi Elizabethd do you read meanqueen life after money Blog ."ilona" is her real name ! All the best Levi XX šŸ‘

  8. A sale in the sanctuary is new to me. All I've ever attended have been in the basement.

  9. Iovely blossom tree great photo's I'm new to your blogšŸ’•..Levi I'm a avid reader of meanqueen life after money Blog.i.e. ilona
